Saturday, April 11, 2009

Your hair was wild, your eyes were red, you were in a rage...

Song: "I Don't Blame You" by Cat Power

April 6th

Eh, I didn't finish my lab report this morning. I got close enough, but Rowan and I were so confused we couldn't turn it in on time.

We went to visit the femtosecond laser lab on campus and it was super cool! The folks who work there are obviously awesome because of signs like this:
From Shots around Macquarie

Check out the bangin' glasses, this very well could be my future:
From Shots around Macquarie

One of the many neat things the micro-machining lab did was help design the 2000 and 2004 Olympic torches. They need certain tiny cuts in them so that the flame keeps burning but doesn't go out so they cut it with high powered femtosecond pulse lasers. Fascinating stuff.
From Shots around Macquarie

Rowan and I hurriedly attempted to finish our lab between the lab tour and lab class but we didn't quite make it. Thankfully, Alex is a swell guy and he gave us until Thursday to fix it up. Unfortunately for my time management, that was the same day my other lab report was due. Eh, whatever.

I attempted to work on the late lab after lab class was over, but midway through I got a worried message from Bethany that our couch was gone. Out of pure curiousity, mixed with a little sentiment of "ah, I'm so confused on this lab," I came home and found that indeed one of our couches was no longer. If I could sum up the feelings of the room it would involve the word "flabbergasted." After my Nancy Drew skills kicked in, I realized that someone had fixed the broken chair that we've asked to have repaired since day one, and my next thought was that "maybe maintenance took our couch." It was after 5, so I couldn't call them this evening.

Instead I went to the gym, where my pilates instructor gave us chocolate eggs for being good all term. haha, the torture! I came home and gave it to Sean in exchange for some of his homemade guacamole, which was much smoother than mine. I like both kinds. I watched 30 Rock and did other unproductive things. Good day.

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