Friday, April 10, 2009

Half of the time we're gone but we don't know where...

Song: "The Only Living Boy in New York" by Simon and Garfunkel

March 31st

Today was very rainy. I associate "The Only Living Boy in New York" with rain. We had physics anyway, where I thought my assignment was due. The one I was working with Jay on all last night. The one with lots of errors. Turns out, although it said it was due today, our professor thought it was due tomorrow, so he gave us an extra day to work on it. Oh joy.

Then I came home in the rain, and there was lots of it, and got ready for aesthetics. Aesthetics was dreary. Too much rain. We talked about some interesting things though in class.

I got home and decided that despite all the work I had due (like the assignment, again) I was going to attend the possibly mandatory fire safety seminar, which ended up being not mandatory or very informative. I used this time to delete text messages from my phone and stare aimlessly into space. After notifying my friends that it was absolutely not mandatory and saving them an hour of their life, I ate my free sausage and bolted out of there. I also came out of the experience hating fire drills and skipped the one we were having out of vengeance for the lost hour of my life. I instead went to the library and read some Hegel and glanced back at my physics assignment. Good times. Sean came with me, but he wasn't as angry about the fire drill as I was.

I finished up my work and went to bed.

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