Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Some English MC's get it twisted, start saying cookies, instead of biscuits!

Song: "Friday Night" by Girl Talk (specifically "Random" by Lady Sovereign)

May 22nd

Note: I had no idea Lady Sovereign sang that line. I just used another one of her songs earlier this week. WEIRD.

Class happened. Sean and Jon were thinking about playing guitar today on the street to get money, but yet again Sydney was raining like crazy, and they had to postpone. I was all sorts of excited about going to it, even in the rain, but I got over it and headed home. I was going to have to go, then come back for the gym, get showered, and then go out again, so I guess it worked out.

I was going out tonight. I thought with other people. I bought cool fishnets and I was psyched about them.
From Another Sydney Weekend
I wanted to visit the We Love Indie night at Madam de Bier's in Kings Cross before I left forever, so I did. I called Hayley to see what she was up to, and she was with Ryan, so I decided I'd meet up with her after I checked out this place. I went at 10pm, and I should have known it'd be dead (apparently indie kids don't dance until AT LEAST 11pm), but I got some water and swayed awkwardly to some Vampire Weekend. Three nice men from the Australian navy invited me over to sit with them, and I talked with them for a bit, made up a fake name and major, and had a reasonably fun time. They tried to convince me to stay instead of go meet up with Hayley. Apparently fake me can pick up men way more easily than real me. Good to know. I left them and caught the train to Central, where I met up with Hayley and Ryan. I got to see Ryan's place and we had a good old time bonding. Ryan's friend Ryan (I know, not confusing at all) was also there.
Ryan and Hayley:
From Another Sydney Weekend
Me ("what is this 'wine' you speak of?" haha I love this one):
From Another Sydney Weekend
After I left hanging out with those kids, which was super fun (peanut butter sandwiches and wine equals great night) I tried to meet up with Shanil and Steven who I'd met earlier in Australia who both told me they'd be around Ivy tonight. So I went to Ivy. No luck finding either.
From Another Sydney Weekend
Shanil told me he was at 3 Wise Monkeys, which I also had yet to go to, so I went there looking for him. It was kind of like Scruffy Murphy's, but just not. Again, no luck, and by this time I was dead, so I took the bus home.

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