Sunday, January 29, 2012

keep alive

Ah memories. The hosting site wants me to keep this active, otherwise it will delete it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Now that I’m older, the distances on maps have gotten smaller…

Song: “Heers” by Someone Still Loves You, Boris Yeltsin

Date: Monday, June 1st

Whereas, this was the last week of classes, and whereas, the last week of classes is stressful and induces memory loss, I have no idea what really went on this week.  I have a feeling there was a paper due, and some homework assignments, and probably a lab report or three due.

This was my last optics lab ever, and I hadn’t missed any, so I didn’t have to make it up.  I just handed my last lab in during class.  My physics professors at Macquarie were really wonderful.  I enjoyed being in small classes, as much as I thought I wouldn’t.